Oscar Cahen ( 1916–1956 )
Watercolour on paper, 1952
65.7 x 50.8 cm, 26 x 20 in
The artist, Fogwood Farm, King.
Jerrold Morris International Gallery, Toronto.
Mrs. J. Gerald Godsoe, Toronto, bt. from Morris Gallery,$375.00, July 12th. 1963.
27th. Annual Exhibition of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolours, Art Gallery of Toronto, Jan. 9th. Feb. 22nd. 1953, #17. $45.00
Oscar Cahen, Hart House solo exhibition, Oct.16th. 1954, $85.00
Oscar Cahén Drawings, Jerrold Morris International Gallery, Jan. 1964, N.F.S.
OSCAR CAHÉN, Art Gallery of Ontario, Memorial Univ. Art Gallery, St. John’s, Art Gallery of Windsor, Edmonton Art Gallery,Winnipeg Art Gallery. Dec. 16th. 1983 – Feb. 12th. 1984, #49.
27th. Annual Exhibition of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolours, catalogue pg. 5.
OSCAR CAHÉN, David Burnett, A.G.O., 1983 pg. 16 & 70.
The Cahén Archives, reference #FAWC 341.
Biography : Oscar Cahen immigrated to Canada in 1940, arriving in Montreal and then moved to Toronto in 1944. He earned his living as a graphic designer as did many talented painters of the period. He worked for The Montreal Star, MacLean’s and Chatelaine magazines. Sadly in November 1956 his life was cut short by a car accident. A memorial exhibition was held in Toronto in 1959.
Online art book of Oscar Cahens life and work: http://www.aci-iac.ca/oscar-cahen
For further information on the Painters Eleven, click on the following link: www.painters-eleven.com